-Truly inspiring!
We caught three of the Artic Drone Event attendees on their way to the plane from Longyearbyen, asking them what they will take home from the conference.
A truly inspiring event in the Arctic, says Brett Davis from AUVSI, USA. Photo: Sigve Losnegård
The conference was truly inspiring, says Brett Davis at AUVSI. It’s heartening to see the way technology is applied to help to solve the issues in the Arctic. It could be a stepping stone for using similar methods and systems around the world for other issues.So the Arctic is a good testing ground, and the conference gave me new insight. I was inspired by Norkring’s test of mesh networking, and how it can be used for environmental monitoring, I hadn’ put those two things together before. Being on a boat in that region and hearing presentations kind of tied it all together.
I will be using my new insights in our education at UVSI.

I want to push the industry, says Randall Warnas from FLIR, USA. Photo: Sigve Losnegård
When you bring together people from the same industry, they will start sharpening each others’s
minds and pushing each others to taking the next steps. I’m learning perspectives from another side of the world, says Randall Warnas freom FLIR,USA. We’re trying to solve the same problems, but people have different approaches to do so around the world. I was happy to share my experiences and get new perspectives from others. It’s surprising to see how eager young people are to solve world issues through drone technology, which is democratizing science.
You get a totally new perspective in Svalbard.
It makes me mindful of my own activites, and I want to push the industry with the technology I bring to the table now and in the future.

I got new insight at the drone event, says Gunnar Dromnes fom Norkring, Norway. Photo: Sigve Losnegård
Our task was demonstrating our radio network, and we succeeded in doing that in spectacular surroundings, says Gunnar Dromnes at Norkring in Norway. I got new insight in an industry I knew too little about.
The drone industry has specific challenges we may help resolving, which is exciting.
Until now, we haven’t used drones ourselves, but we hire drone pilots and drones for surveying our broadcasting equipment and power lines all over Norway, including Svalbard, in addition to developing antennae diagrams. Earlier we have been using helicopters, so it’s more cost efficient and a bonus for the environment to go for a drone solution. I’m impressed by the level of technical insight among the participants at the very inspirational conference.