Invitation to be member of the UVS International Delegation

UVS International has received an invitation from Trevor Woods (EASA Certification Director) to participate in the upcoming workshop. Now you can participate as part of the UVS International delegate.
Reportasje: Anders Martinsen

From:  UVS International
To:      All Members

Re:      EASA Workshop – Koeln, Germany – 24 Oct. 2016
Subj.:  Prototype Regulation
Obj.:    Invitation to be member of the UVS International Delegation

Dear Friends,

UVS International has received an invitation from Trevor Woods (EASA Certification Director) to participate in the following upcoming workshop:
Name:    Rolling out an operation centric approach to create an EU drone services market
Subject: “Prototype regulation for open and specific categories”
Venue:    EASA headquarters, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, DE-50668, Koeln, Germany (walking distance from the Koeln central railway station).
Date:       24 October 2016
Time:      10h00-17h30.

The approx. draft agenda of the workshop is as follows:
10.00-10.10  Welcome: EASA, Dominique Rolland (HOD CT.2 General Aviation & RPAS)
10.10-10.20  Update on negociations on the Basic Regulation (European Commission)
10.20-10.35  Prototype Regulation (Introduction by EASA)
10.35-12.30  Key Issues I – Debate based on the comments received subsequent to the publishing of the «Prototype Rules»
12.30-14.00  Lunch
14.00-15.30  Key Issues II – Debate based on the comments received subsequent to the publishing of the «Prototype Rules»
15.30-16.00  Break
16.00-16.30  «Geo-Fencing» Task Force feedback (incl.Q&A)
16.30-17.00  «Drone Collision» Task Force feedback (incl. Q&A)
17.00-17.30  UTM (incl. Q&A)
17.30           Closure by Trevor Woods

Participation: Only possible on invitation.
Atteance fee: € 80/person (this is the rather strange new EASA policy for attending such meetings).
The registration fee covers internet access, coffee breaks, soft drinks through out the day and a snack for lunch.

Note: This workshop is the last chance to voice your opinion on the «Prototype Rules» prior to the publication of the NPA (planned for Dec. 2016).

UVS International has been accorded the privilege of participating in this workshop with a delegation of 15 persons.
If you would like to participate as part of the UVS International delegate, please notify me by email.
Each company & organisation is requested to limit their participation to one person.
Participattion will be confirmed by me on a first-come, first go basis.
Consequently, the sooner you reply, the higher the chance of getting in.
The confirmation will supply you with detailed instructions on how to register and pay the attendance fee.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Cordial regards,
Peter van Blyenburgh

UVS International
86 rue Michel Ange
2nd Building – 2nd Floor
FR-75016 Paris
Tel.: 33-1-
Fax: 33-1-
Skype : Blyenburgh
Twitter: @info4uvs

 EASA Workshop – Koeln, Germany – 24 Oct. 2016.pdf (60,6 KB)