Interpol's Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Madan Oberoi, opened the conference.
Foto:Trygve Indrelid, UAS Norway

INTERPOLS global expert conferenceGlobal focus on drones as tool, threat and evidence

On Monday morning, Interpol opened its fourth international expert conference on drones for the police and emergency services - for the first time in Oslo, Norway.
Ole Dag Kvamme

Director Tone Vangen, who heads the preparedness department in the Police Directorate of Norway, received the guests.

– We are happy to open the conference, which has been postponed for several years due to the pandemic, Vangen says.

Interpol’s Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Madan Oberoi, opened the conference.

– Interpol is always looking for new solutions, and how these can be used by police in different countries. Norway is at the center of such development.

– We have gathered various experts, and will show solutions through practical tests in trade fair areas, said Oberoi, who encouraged participants to share experiences.

Interpol and the Norwegian police have chosen UAS Norway to arrange the three-day event. You may read the program here.

– We have 300 participants from over 50 countries present. Most are police, but there are also participants from social security and emergency preparedness, says CEO of UAS Norway, Anders Martinsen.

The event is closed, and has a high presence of knowledge and technology among international players.

– Interpol is looking for partners to arrange its conference, for us it was obvious to say yes.

«Law enforcement» is the key word, but Martinsen emphasizes that it is not only the blue light services that are involved. Object and area security, such as power plants and water supply, are also included.

– The conference will create awareness of current opportunities and future needs in both the private and public sector, to find the best solutions, says Martinsen.

At the Port of Grønlia, 12 exhibitors present AI solutions, special drones and the latest developments in gadgets for the drone sector.

– For those who love technology, this is a showcase, says Martinsen.